Monday, June 27, 2005

Obihiro Marathon 2005

The Obihiro Marathon was held on June 26 and we had a great turnout of "gaijin" from the Tokachi region. Raquel and Kellie did the 3 km event which they had planned on walking but ended up running when they realized that even the old folks were running! This was Kellie's "first and last race"!. Kevin, Jess and Jonah did the 10 km with Kevin and Jess finishing in just under an hour. This was Jonah's first race and he finished about 12 seconds over the hour mark. Nice work Jonah! Kajsa and Clint ran the 20 km event and they came in at about 2 hours 13 minutes. This was Kajsa's longest race and she was planning on it taking 2.5 hours so she finished with a great time as well.

After the race we headed over to Clint's inlaws' house for a BBQ and the rain stopped just in time for the grill to get nice and hot. We had a great time gathered around the grill, sharing stories, sake and food with everyone.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


1. hear; listen
2. inquire; ask

Sometimes Japanese kanji does the most eloquent job of defining a certain word or situation.

The other day, I was at one of my schools and I had a break after lunch before my next class. My desk and the desk of the "office lady" face each other and are pushed together, edge to edge. We were both at our desks, I was studying from my Japanese language text book and she was going about her regular office duties. At one point she says to me "Nanshee-san", I look up and the next thing she says to me is "my father died". I saw the sadness in her eyes that Sean has been seeing in mine for the last 6 years and I was really shocked by this and her news. There have been few turning points in my life but I can tell you for sure that this was one of them. I felt jolted out of my skin by her words and I understood that I was going to feel the effects of my father's death differently from that point on.

Regardless of all the struggles I have with Japanese I felt I already knew the flow and language for the conversation I was about to have with this woman. So much more can be conveyed about concern and understanding with simple gestures and body language than any words I know. The simple act of listening takes on a profound importance when the person you are listening to needs to be heard in order to start or advance their healing. Telling someone of your loss is the greatest catharsis. She told me of the circumstances surrounding her father's death, the nature of his illness and the sudden onset of his symptoms. The "medical" terminology was far beyond both of us to translate so there was a flurry of dictionary flipping for a while. I thought it might help if I shared my experience so I told her "my father died too". She had many questions and the two of us sat flipping through our dictionaries again, sharing our stories in short sentences and eyeballing the Kleenex willing it to keep our eyes dry from a distance. I admire her courage to start this conversation with me. We barely know each other and she opened up so freely, without a care that the language was a struggle and all this only 3 days after her father's death. I was definitely not capable of this level of composure 3 days, months or even years after after my father died. I hope that she felt a bit better and less "alone" after talking to me. She has a long road ahead of her.

As for my road. I've long had the suspicion that I buried too much of myself that day we put my father in the ground. It was enough of a tragedy to loose my dad but the fact that I lost so much of myself is inconceivable. For years I was asking "when will I get back to my old self?", but I realize now that that is simply not possible. I think the loss of a loved one, especially a parent changes you forever and you have to accept those changes and continue to grow from there. I've been in some sort of emotional purgatory for the last few years and it's been well, hell. I was listening to everyone else but not to myself. Geez, that sounds flaky but what the heck I can write whatever I bloody well feel like. So here I am feeling kinda of good, kind of scared but feeling none the less, which is a good thing. Most importantly, the road ahead looks a lot more inviting and I'm not trying to forget where I came from or what I've been through.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Too cool for school

Nick and Samm at Nick's grad
Originally uploaded by kuckibaboo.
Can you believe how dapper and stylish this young couple is?! Hot damn!

This is my far out nephew Nick and his lovely girlfriend Samm. At long last Nick is graduating from high school this June and has his sights set for Vancouver, BC this fall. Nick is Sean's (yes, my husband Sean) "cosmically seperated at birth" twin and NOBODY in the history of mankind has said "frig" more than Nick. He is also a cool cat, funny to the point where your face hurts from smiling, a talented artist and a great boarder. He'd be perfect if only he knew how to make tea.

Congrats on your graduation Nick. So sorry I missed the big event. The cane was an exceptionally cherry touch. You rock.

Samantha and Nicholas

Originally uploaded by kuckibaboo.
Young people are so cool these days.